Why incorporate soy into our diet?

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Why incorporate soy in our diet?

Soy is considered a very nutritious legume and, therefore, very necessary in our daily diet . There are two varieties: yellow soybeans, which are mainly used to obtain soy drinks, textured soybeans and tofu, and green soybeans, which are used for soybean sprouts or sprouts. Both contain the same nutritional value and properties for our health and our body 

Nutritional value of soy

The concentration of protein in soy is the highest of all legumes , not only because of its quantity but also because of the quality of essential amino acids that are identical to protein of animal origin (example: meat).

Contains B complex vitamins (except B12) and minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. The bioavailability of these nutrients is affected by the content of phytates (antinutrients), so it is important to consume them well cooked or germinated.

It contains good quality fats, such as unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3) and also contains lecithin, which acts as an emulsifier.

It contains phytochemicals, such as is flavones, which have an estrogenic and antioxidant action.

Potential Health Benefits of Soy

Kidney function : soy protein does not increase or burden kidney function, so it is recommended for diabetic patients with or without compromised kidney function.

Cardiovascular function: due to its high content of polyunsaturated fats, its fiber content reduces the risk of heart disease and bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.

Cancer prevention: it seems that the content of phytochemicals (genistein) in soy helps prevent certain types of cancer, such as breast and ovarian cancer. To obtain this anticancer effect, a very high dose of phytochemicals is required and more research is still needed to prove the anticancer effect of soy.

Constipation: due to its content of insoluble fibers (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) it helps improve intestinal transit and the evacuation of feces.

Soy derivatives

Soybean flour:  It is obtained from the grinding of the soybean grain. Soy flour can be used in various preparations such as pastries and breads, it contains very good quality proteins, it is rich in fiber and it does not contain gluten, so it can be consumed by people with celiac disease .

Textured soy : Also called vegetable meat, it is a processed soy product that is sold dehydrated. You can find fine or coarse textured soybeans. To use this product, you first have to hydrate it with water or broth, and then use it in different preparations and replace it with meat in vegetable creams, in stews or in Bolognese sauce. It is still a product rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals typical of the legume, it also does not contain uric acid, ideal for those who suffer from gout.

Tempeh: It is obtained through a process of fermentation with heat. You can find this product in rectangular and compact pieces, it can be sliced ​​or grilled, and it should be noted that its nutritional value is high in protein and very easy to digest.

Soy drink: It is a sterilized drink, enriched in vitamins and with a high protein content. It does not contain fat or lactose, which is ideal for those who are intolerant to cow’s milk. We can also find soy yogurt in stores, although the disadvantage of this product is that the protein content is lower and its sugar content is very high.

Tofu: tofu or tofu is obtained by curdling soy beverage. It is a food rich in calcium and easy to assimilate proteins, so it is recommended for people who have slow digestion and also for children. Lastly, being of vegetable origin, it does not contain saturated fats, which makes it an ideal product for people with high bad cholesterol (LDL).

Soybean oil: It stands out for its excellent quality directly related to unsaturated fatty acids and its natural antioxidants. The best way to consume it is raw in salads or other preparations, but it can also be used for cooking because it supports a fairly high range of temperatures. It is recommended for people with high cholesterol, since its contribution in essential fatty acid (linolenic acid) helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).

Miso: it is a food obtained from the fermentation of soybeans with another cereal (white or brown rice or barley), although we can also find hatcho miso (soybean miso without cereal). The combination of fermented soybeans with another cereal means that miso has a high protein intake, but also, among other properties, miso has enzymes and ferments that improve the intestinal flora (ideal for people with constipation or diarrhea problems). The biggest drawback of miso is that it contains a high contribution of sodium (salt).

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