Wasabi: Why we should incorporate it into our diet

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Wasabi: Why we should incorporate it into our diet

If you are fond of Japanese food , you will know what wasabi is.  However, we do a little review for readers who are unaware of this culinary element so used in Asia and increasingly present in our country.

What is wasabi 

Wasabi is a Japanese  condiment extracted from a plant with the same name, a kind of horseradish that belongs to the cruciferous family, which also includes broccoli, turnips and cabbage. It has a very spicy flavor (I’m sure you already knew this fact), an intense green color and is usually mixed with soy sauce to accompany sushi , since eating it directly can be somewhat strong on the palate. Did you know that the sensation of strong itching when eating wasabi does not last long? Some people even find it enjoyable and stimulating.

You can find it in the supermarket and in stores specializing in oriental products . Wasabi is an expensive product and difficult to obtain, which is why substitutes are often used, so pay attention so that you do not get caught in a poke.

The properties of wasabi

Now that we know a little more about wasabi, the next point is to talk about its properties and benefits, which, as you are going to see now, are many. Yes, we have proposed that you incorporate wasabi into your weekly diet and we are going to achieve it.

1 Wasabi has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which is why it is used to wrap raw fish, thus eliminating any bacteria.

2 Its anti-inflammatory effects are of great help when it comes to reducing nasal congestion , that is, it cleanses the sinuses, something that can help people who suffer from seasonal allergies, or even a common cold.

3 It is an excellent source of vitamin C. It also contains fiber, protein and provides a lot of energy. Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc, which are all necessary elements in our diet, are naturally present in wasabi. 

4 It fights intestinal infection as well as diarrhea since it eliminates possible bacteria present in the stomach and intestine. Contrary to what it may seem, wasabi does not cause stomach irritation, it has a powerful flavor but does not harm the stomach.

5 It offers systematic relief of pain located in the joints caused by diseases such as arthritis .

6 It facilitates digestion and helps eliminate toxins from the body and, in addition, it is low in calories!

7 Recent studies investigate the properties of wasabi as an element that prevents the growth of stomach cancer cells.

8 Prevents cardiovascular problems. It has anti-hypercholesterolemic properties that help reduce high cholesterol levels in the human body, helping to prevent possible heart problems. 

Fresh, grated, to accompany sushi or to give a spicy touch to meat and fish, take it as you like but incorporate it into your diet today. Surely now you understand why the Japanese appreciate wasabi so much, do you dare to try it

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