Walnuts, a help for the heart

Walnuts, a help for the heart

Walnuts are a source of vitamins and minerals, they help our hearts and our brain and, in addition, they fight against aging. Take note of some secrets of this food that is so beneficial for health:

Stop cholesterol

Like most nuts, walnuts are high in calories, so you shouldn’t overdo them if you’re on a diet. However, they have many other health benefits: their high content of polyunsaturated oils and oleic acid help reduce blood cholesterol levels

Uncooked and at its point

Most nuts are eaten raw; in the case of walnuts and due to their polyunsaturated acid content, they cannot be subjected to the heat of cooking because their fats become highly toxic. The same happens if they are consumed when they are green since they contain high levels of cyanide.


Source of vitamin E, they have antioxidant properties that benefit the healthy state of the skin. They also contain zinc and this mineral contributes to the perfect elasticity and moisture of the dermis. The calcium that is consumed in its intake prevents osteoporosis and keeps the bones in good condition.

Always closed

It is preferable to buy them whole with the shell and consume them the moment they are opened. To store them in perfect condition, it is better to do it in completely hermetic jars or bags and in a dry place. Otherwise, when in contact with the air they become rancid and lose all their property.

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