Symptoms that something is wrong with your kidneys

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Symptoms that something is wrong with your kidneys

Your body speaks to you, although it does so without words. If you are observant and pay attention, you will begin to perceive some of the warning signs that it is sending you. Many of them will help you anticipate certain health problems that you are beginning to develop.

This is the case, for example, of complications in the renal system. It is common for them to manifest in places of the body other than the affected organs themselves. We tell you what are the symptoms that something is wrong with your kidneys so that you know how to recognize them if they occur.

When you have kidney problems

The kidneys clean the blood and remove waste and fluids from your body. They regulate your body’s water and other chemicals in your blood like sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Among its functions is also to produce hormones that help your body regulate blood pressure, produce red blood cells and have strong bones.

When the kidney has some type of problem, the functions of the organ are usually reduced. The problem is that most women do not have severe symptoms of kidney failure until kidney problems are very advanced. Hence, the importance of recognizing in time what are the symptoms that show that something is wrong.

Symptoms that something is wrong with your kidneys

If you detect any of these symptoms, you should try to remain calm. It is necessary to give the right importance to the problem and look for the corresponding solutions according to its seriousness. Do not hesitate to go to your doctor to diagnose you and advise you on the most appropriate procedure to follow in your case, but do not be alarmist. 

These are some of the most common symptoms.

1 Fatigue and lack of energy

It is common for kidney problems to make you feel more tired than usual and have less energy to face the day. It is a symptom that can go unnoticed, since it can be camouflaged with the normal fatigue of your day to day, but you should not underestimate it. It is possible that over time it leads to difficulties in concentrating. 

2 sleeping problems

Even though you feel more fatigue than usual, you have trouble sleeping at night. Insomnia is a more serious sleep disorder than you tend to think. In its highest degrees, it can condition the life of the person who suffers it. Therefore, it is a symptom that, although it may be caused by other types of problems, cannot be ignored. 

3 Lack of appetite

Lack of appetite is one of the most frequent signals that the body sends to make you see that there is something wrong inside you. It also usually occurs when the problems are in the kidney. As with the rest of the symptoms, there is no need to be alarmist; it is normal to go through certain times when you are less hungry. This is what happens, for example, during the summer. 

4 changes in your body

Do you feel that your feet are more swollen than ever? It can be caused by fluid retention due to a failure in the renal system. Ankles are also often swollen. In general, and also motivated by difficulty sleeping, people who suffer from these problems often wake up with puffy eyes. In addition, cramps are often suffered at night. 

5 your skin is drier

Kidney problems are also reproduced with changes in the condition and appearance of the skin . It is usual for it to be drier and sometimes even annoying itching. In addition to looking for the cause that is producing this type of alterations in your body, you must solve them as soon as possible. Apply the best moisturizer for your skin type a couple of times a day. 

6 More urge to urinate

If your urge to urinate has increased considerably and you drink the same amount of liquid, it is possible that your kidney is not working properly. Sometimes, despite the desire, it is impossible to expel urine, which causes discomfort but also frustration. You should go to your doctor who will send you the appropriate tests to detect alterations.

7 Your urine is a different color

When something is wrong with the kidneys, the urine can be a different color. Looking down the toilet after peeing can be a bit off-putting, but it will help you spot these kinds of kidney injuries. You should not only see if your pee has a different color, but also if it has changed in density or if it has become foamy. You must be very attentive, above all, to detect blood in the urine. 

8 Food tastes different

Patients with kidney problems often notice a change in their perception of food. They say that they have a metallic taste in their mouth and how they have noticed the smell of their breath has worsened. This is because saliva tends to accumulate more urea due to kidney problems. 

9 you have a pain in the back

Sometimes kidney problems manifest as stabbing pain in the lower back. It is easy to confuse it with low back pain, since the area of ​​discomfort is more or less the same. However, kidney pain tends to be localized to one side and worse after going to the bathroom. 

10 Nausea and vomiting for no reason

Nausea and vomiting can be felt for many reasons: due to poor digestion, if you have eaten too much, if something has made you sick, due to pregnancy… However, when they occur repeatedly without a cause behind them, they could be a symptom of kidney problem. In fact, it is one of the most common complaints when you have a kidney stone. Nausea and vomiting are a very unpleasant sign , so it is advisable to go to the doctor so that they can be resolved. 

The urge to vomit and all of the above symptoms could be a sign that you have kidney failure. This occurs when your kidneys decrease their ability to perform their functions. If kidney failure gets worse, a high amount of waste can build up in your blood.

The two main causes of kidney failure are diabetes and high blood pressure, which are responsible for up to two-thirds of cases. Therefore, it is important to stay alert to the signals that your renal system sends you. Do not hesitate to go to a health professional to evaluate your case. 

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