Low-fat foods: how to lose weight

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By healthydietinghub_admin

Low-fat foods: how to lose weight

healthy and balanced diet is undoubtedly one of the fundamental pillars that support iron health and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to know which foods we should consume daily, which ones only from time to time and which ones we should avoid as much as possible.

In this sense, fats are one of the weak points, since many times we consume them in excess and that can lead to health and weight problems.

What foods are low in fat? 

The turkey and the chicken. These white meats are a fantastic option to consume high-quality protein with a very low percentage of fat.

Tuna (canned ). Like turkey, tuna provides high-quality protein with very little fat, as well as a host of beneficial nutrients for our health.   

The gazpacho or the escalibada . These typical dishes of the Mediterranean diet provide numerous nutrients and vitamins with very little fat. And it is that vegetables, in whatever format, are always a highly recommended option.

Fruits such as bananas, strawberries or melonThese fruits provide minerals, antioxidants and vitamins with less than a gram of fat, which makes them an ideal snack to fill lunches or snacks.

Legumes . Legumes cooked raw (obviously without the chorizo, bacon or bacon), are a perfect dish to get essential nutrients while providing us with very little fat. They are also satiating and feel great in cold weather.

So if you have in mind a low-fat diet to help you control your weight and improve your health, take note of all these basic foods that you will need in your day to day life.  

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