Is it good to eat gluten-free if you are not celiac?

Is it good to eat gluten-free if you are not celiac?

Celiac disease is a disease of the body that causes intolerance to gluten and that more and more people suffer from. People who are celiac cannot consume certain cereals such as wheat, oats or rye as they have toxic effects on the body. The problem is that it has become fashionable in recent years to stop consuming gluten in order to lose the occasional extra kilo. 

Is it advisable to follow a gluten-free diet if you are not celiac?

A person with celiac disease should base their diet on the consumption of fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits or vegetables. Most experts agree that this type of diet should only be followed by people with gluten intolerance. It is not a fad diet that can be abandoned whenever the person wants, it is a totally necessary lifestyle to ensure that the person suffering from this disease does not have serious health problems.

In recent years, it has become very fashionable to follow a gluten-free diet, because most foods that contain gluten are high in calories and cause weight gain. This is the case of industrial pastries, pizzas or cereals. However, experts point out that products that replace foods with gluten usually have a large amount of sugars and Tran’s fats to enhance their flavor. 

A diet without any gluten is inadvisable due to the lack of fiber in it and the lack of other vitamins that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. When it comes to losing weight, the diet must be healthy and balanced, so it must provide a large number of nutrients to the body itself. 

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