Happy foods to lift your spirits

Happy foods to lift your spirits

If your mood is rock bottom, it may be due to various reasons, whether they are work, economic or family. Food plays a very important role in this aspect, since there are certain foods that, thanks to a series of specific properties, can help you lift that low spirits and see life from a much more optimistic point of view. Take note of such foods and incorporate them into your daily diet

What should you eat to lift your spirits?

Walnuts.  Walnuts, in addition to being highly beneficial for health, are rich in selenium, an antioxidant that will help you lift your spirits. A good handful of nuts a day will make you feel great and with great energy both in body and mind.  

Milk. This food is especially rich in a mineral such as calcium, its intake will help you to make certain irritability or depressive state disappear and will allow you to greatly improve your mood. 

Fish. Many studies reveal that consuming fish on a regular basis helps to raise your spirits and prevent depressive symptoms. This is because the healthy fats in fish help raise serotonin levels in the blood and thus stimulate happiness.  

Chocolate.  Apart from numerous health benefits, chocolate is a perfect antidepressant. An ounce of chocolate a day will help lift your spirits and give you a lot of energy.

Honey. Honey is a food with many nutrients that the body needs, it is rich in tryptophan that helps raise serotonin levels in the body, a substance that is responsible for the feeling of happiness. A little honey won’t do you any good if you need to lift your spirits.  

Spinach. Spinach is a food very rich in folic acid, a substance that has been shown to help fight depression. In addition to this, it is an excellent source of antioxidants, which is perfect to prevent premature aging. 

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