Foods with gluten or gluten-free?

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By healthydietinghub_admin

Foods with gluten or gluten-free?

Gluten-free foods have become very popular in recent years thanks to the false belief that they are much healthier than foods made with flour. The famous gluten-free diets are followed by a large public that ensures that they are really effective when it comes to losing weight . Then I will try to answer the question of whether it is really worth consuming gluten-free foods, despite not being a celiac person.

Is it good to eat foods with gluten or gluten-free?

We must start by saying that gluten is a vegetable protein that can be found in cereals such as wheat or rye. This protein is present in many everyday foods such as pasta, bread or sauces. The fashion of famous people to eat foods without any gluten has led to the proliferation of various types of anti-gluten diets , which ensure that you can lose weight in a healthy and effective way by eating foods that do not contain gluten. Such is the obsession with this type of food that many people consume gluten-free products to be healthier and feel much better. 

Most nutritionists agree that following a gluten-free diet makes no sense for people who are not celiac. Gluten-free foods do not provide any kind of benefit to people who do not have such an intolerance to gluten. What’s more, these foods are less nutritious and contain much less fiber than products made from grains. A person who decides to follow a gluten-free diet will have a great deficiency of fiber, which can lead to future health problems. That is why experts on the subject fear that this trend will continue to spread, leading to poor and unhealthy eating. 

Gluten-free foods are designed for people who have such an intolerance to said protein.  These people cannot consume any gluten, since they would suffer intestinal-type problems such as vomiting, diarrhea or bloating. This health problem is solved in a very easy and simple way: eliminating gluten from your daily diet. In this way they can consume food without having digestive and intestinal problems.

That is why a person without any type of nutritional problem should eat foods that contain gluten, leaving gluten-free products for those who need it, since they show intolerance to said protein. 

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