Foods that take care of your kidneys

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By healthydietinghub_admin

Foods that take care of your kidneys

Just as there are foods that are good for our teeth, for our brain or for our skin, there are foods that are good for the kidneys that help us keep these organs in perfect condition. In this way, we guarantee that they perfectly fulfill their function of eliminating toxins from our body and eliminating what our body does not need.

How can we take care of our kidneys?

First of all, it is important to purify the kidneys at least once a year, so that they are clean and in perfect condition to continue purifying and filtering everything that we ingest and that is stored in our body. 

For this we must avoid consuming foods that can harm them, such as foods very rich in sodium, foods rich in purines, foods high in potassium or protein diets for a long time, since with all of them we increase their workload and we force them to work more.

What foods are good for the kidneys? 

Mainly fruits and vegetables such as:

Celery: this vegetable is especially recommended for the kidneys, since its essential oil content favors the dilation of the kidney arteries and improves diuresis, that is, the elimination of toxins through urine.

2  Asparagus , which stimulate the kidneys and are highly diuretic.

Watermelon and melon, since they contain a lot of water and favor the elimination of toxins.

The carrot, a highly purifying vegetable that helps nourish the kidneys and restore the tissues that compose them.

Blueberries, as they prevent urine infections and therefore the chances of directly affecting the kidney.

Of course, maintaining proper hydration is essential to maintain the health of the kidneys, since that 1.5 or 2 liters of water a day is also filtered by the kidneys, facilitating their work. So, do not forget to hydrate yourself properly, either with water or purifying infusions that facilitate your work.

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