Fiber-rich foods: the best way to take care of your digestive system

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By healthydietinghub_admin

Fiber-rich foods: the best way to take care of your digestive system

Following a diet rich in fiber is essential to maintain the proper functioning of our body, since, among other things, it helps to reduce blood cholesterol, control weight or improve the functioning of our digestive system.

That is why we must consume, daily, foods rich in fiber that provide the dose that our body needs to function perfectly.

What foods rich in fiber should we consume?

– Oat bran, so famous in the Dukan Diet, is one of the foods with more fiber per 100 grams. Its consumption is especially necessary in ketogenic diets in which proteins are the main protagonists, since it helps regulate intestinal transit and prevent constipation.

– The avocado. Its pulp is an excellent source of fiber and Omega 3 fats that are so beneficial for reducing cholesterol or the risk of cardiovascular disease.

– Pears and apples are foods rich in fiber, although to get all their nutrients we must always consume them with skin.

– Lentils, chickpeas and beans. These legumes, in addition to fiber, are rich in vitamins, proteins, iron and other minerals necessary to regulate our body.

– Whole grains such as rice or wheat bread. These foods, unlike their more processed version, provide fiber and better prevent constipation. 

And it is that fiber must be present in all our meals, since it will improve the health of our intestinal system, help us prevent problems such as gas or constipation and reduce the risk of colon cancer. In addition, it is undoubtedly the key piece that our body uses to eliminate excess substances in our body, facilitating digestive functions and even controlling satiety and the desire to eat.

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