Fat-free chocolate: the discovery of the century

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By healthydietinghub_admin

Fat-free chocolate: the discovery of the century

“Aaaay, if I didn’t get so fat…” How many times have we said or heard this phrase? It is the woman’s ‘neither with you nor without you’, the maximum temptation of desire , the great and only substitute for sex… which is pronounced almost as quickly as it disappears in the hands: chocolate.

Women love chocolate, a food that makes us feel better, that gives us strength and energy, that gets us out of bed when nothing and no one can, that restores our emotional well-being. All these psychological benefits are provided by several components with stimulating properties, especially phenyl ethylamine, a component of the amphetamine family.

However, it gets fat. And a lot. Its high fat content makes women feel bad about consuming it or directly prohibit or dose it. Because chocolate is also addictive, and whoever tries it wants more and more… until it seems that we are going to explode, we feel remorse and say “I don’t eat it anymore”.

Chocolate that is not fattening

That ‘I want but I can’t’ of the woman could end forever. Scientists from Great Britain have found the key to creating a chocolate that retains its properties but with half the fat content. Yes, you are reading that right: finally a chocolate that is not fattening!

But how? We explain it; it is about substituting up to 50% of the fat of the cocoa butter and milk for small drops of fruit juice, without touching the content of Polymorph V, a substance that gives chocolate that unique texture by which it dissolves in the mouth.

The only noticeable difference is a slight fruity flavor. But even this could be avoided, since those responsible for the invention claim that the juice could be replaced by water and small amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Then there would be no difference to the original chocolate.

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