Don’t miss out on magnesium! Write down which foods are richest in magnesium

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By healthydietinghub_admin

Don't miss out on magnesium! Write down which foods are richest in magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for the proper functioning of our body. Among its main functions are to prevent cardiovascular diseases, control blood pressure and regulate insulin, reducing the risk of diabetes. 

It is therefore logical to think that foods rich in magnesium should be very present on a daily basis, forming part of our daily diet.

And what foods contain magnesium?

According to various studies by Harvard University, the food with the highest amount of magnesium is bulgur, a cereal that is very present in the cuisine of the Middle East and North Africa. However, it is not necessary to resort to little-known foods to maintain good levels of magnesium in our body.

– Bran, whether from wheat, rice or oats, is very rich in magnesium and we can consume it daily, for example, as part of our breakfast.

– Pumpkin and watermelon seeds are also very rich in magnesium and can be a perfect complement to our most original salads.

– Halibut or Pacific halibut is one of the fish that contains the most magnesium, providing us with practically 25% of the recommended daily value.

– Whole grains, such as rice, quinoa or millet are also important sources of magnesium, as well as highly nutritious foods.

– Nuts , especially almonds and walnuts , undoubtedly provide large doses of magnesium.

And it is that in our hand, and in our food, it is providing our body with the levels of minerals it needs, including magnesium. With this we will be improving the functioning of our immune system, strengthening our bones and controlling the rhythm of our heart. It’s worth it, right? 

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