Foods rich in potassium: learn to eat healthy

Foods rich in potassium: learn to eat healthy

Potassium is an essential mineral in our body, since it develops and favors very important basic functions. Therefore, it is important that we incorporate potassium-rich foods into our daily diet that allow us to enjoy its benefits.

What is potassium for?

This essential mineral is responsible, among other things, for keeping our muscles strongpromoting cell development and favoring the construction of the proteins present in our body.

Its deficiency can cause fatigue, heart irregularities and even muscle coordination problems or confusion.

And what are the foods rich in potassium? 

Legumes , especially beans , soybeans , and kidney beans . Legumes, in addition to being a true source of protein, provide us with large amounts of potassium. On the other hand, vegetables such as Swiss chardBrussels sproutscarrotsartichokes or lamb’s lettuce are true sources of potassium.

Nuts, especially walnuts and peanuts, as well as animal proteins from red and white meats. We will also find it in shellfish and oily fish, such as salmon or trout; or fruits, especially bananasstrawberries and coconuts.

Dried herbs such as parsleybasil or coriander, avocados or chocolate are also part of this list of foods rich in potassium. There is no longer an excuse to be deficient in this important mineral.

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