Everything you miss by not including kiwi in your diet

Everything you miss by not including kiwi in your diet

In a healthy diet, it is essential to include a good supply of foods of plant origin, which contain good nutritional quality. In this sense, the kiwi is one of the fruits on the market with a higher nutritional value. Thanks to its large amount of phytonutrients, kiwi can help us achieve optimal health. It stands out, especially, for its great contribution of fiber, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin C. It is also a source of potassium, folate, carotenoids, polyphenols and vitamin E. 

Benefits of including kiwi in your diet

Being such a nutritionally complete fruit, kiwi is a very healthy choice to include in our diet on a regular basis. In this way, our body can easily and naturally obtain essential nutrients that it needs. The nutritionist Mireia Porta does not count all the benefits of including kiwi in our diet:

The high content of vitamin C in kiwi contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress, helps reduce fatigue and contributes to the normal function of the immune system. It also contributes to the formation of collagen, essential for maintaining healthy skin, teeth and bones. 

 In addition, due to its contributions of soluble and insoluble fiber, it is one of the best foods to take care of our intestines. It also contains actinide, an enzyme unique to kiwifruit, which breaks down protein faster. 

In the case of folate, another vitamin that kiwi has in large quantities, it is a great ally for our cardiovascular health and, if you are pregnant, it contributes to cell growth and development. 

Potassium, another essential nutrient in kiwifruit, helps maintain muscle function and growth. 

How to include kiwi in your diet

For our health it is essential that good eating habits are established, for this reason, ensuring the consumption of two servings of vegetables with three portions of fruit per day is an excellent way to start improving eating habits, and that very few comply with . In the case of fruits, the kiwi, and especially the yellow kiwi, due to its sweet taste and lower acidity, can become our ally as a fruit-shaped “trinket” for adults and children. Other very practical tips that Mireia Porta gives us, and that can help us increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in our diet and in that of our children are: 

Always have fresh fruit at home and, thus, when we get hungry, we will have no excuse.

Prepare dishes that are attractive and that make us want to eat them instantly.

Be original when preparing the fruit, how about using a skewer and put kiwi with other fruits? Or present it in the form of a fruit salad or mix it with yogurt and/or milk and even make ice cream. 

Do you dare to add a little kiwi as an ingredient to vegetables, rice, quinoa or pasta? 

It can also be an ideal side dish for meat and fish. 

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