Home remedies to lower sugar

Home remedies to lower sugar

Every year millions of new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in the world. It is a pathology that has a certain complexity in its treatment, since for it to operate correctly, a certain will is needed in the patients in order to restrict certain harmful dietary patterns for such purposes. In fact, high levels of sugar in the blood can pose a huge risk to both our health and our lives, which is why our first option will be to consult a GP. The advice you provide us can be complemented with a series of effective home remedies to lower blood sugar.

Lower blood sugar by using home remedies

Cinnamon is an especially effective home remedy in the fight against diabetes as it helps our body respond to insulin. One of the best recipes in this regard is to mix half a tablespoon of cinnamon with two tablespoons of peanut butter and spread it on a sliced ​​apple. Another more direct option to lower the level of sugar in the blood lies in the intake of a supplement based on cinnamon extract. For your part, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can enhance our body’s sensitivity to insulin, also helping to control glucose levels in the bloodstream.

Both white wine and red wine are two alcoholic beverages that contain polyphenols, a substance that can help us prevent the development of diabetes since it is capable of regulating both blood sugar levels and the metabolism of fat itself. However, before incorporating this homemade solution into our diet, we must consult our doctor or a professional nutritionist who can advise us on the best way to do it.

Another essential home remedy to lower blood sugar levels lies in a strict review of our food routine. In it we must include foods such as vegetables and fruits with a high fiber content and avoid products that can destabilize our body , such as coffee, salt, chocolate, fats or refined sugars. 

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