Dietary guide for diabetes

dietary guide for diabetes

People with diabetes must take special care when eating, as their own health is at risk. Although there are several types of diabetes, the diet of people suffering from this disease should help control their blood sugar levels in order to have and follow a completely normal lifestyle. 

Healthy foods , an eating plan and a dietary guide for diabetes includes a long list of pieces that are very necessary in your diet if you suffer from this pathology. And, in addition, you should pay special attention to those foods that can be quite harmful to health. Do you have any doubt? In Women’s Newspaper we tell you everything you need to know. 

Healthy eating for people with diabetes

Before starting to list the foods you need if you are a diabetic, it is important to know what exactly this disease is. According to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine , in a glossary on diabetes, it defines it as “a chronic disease that produces an increase in blood sugar (glucose) levels. Diabetes cannot be cured, but it can be treated successfully” .

And one of the best ways to treat diabetes is through diet. Of course, when in doubt, it is better that you consult your doctor or specialist or a nutritionist, as they will be the ones who can best help you. 

Foods rich in magnesium: nuts, vegetables, coffee… All of them will help regulate blood glucose levels. 

Blue fish: it is better to go for small portions but, in any case, any of this type of fish is very beneficial for your health because it is very rich in omega 3 . 

Fiber – rich foods — Fiber is essential to a diabetic diet. Among the foods that you should take into account are cereals, fruits, some vegetables, legumes, nuts… 

 Don’t forget healthy fats: some carbohydrates are very necessary for a diet, such as eggs, some dairy products (for example, yogurts or low-fat milk), olive oil, and products such as avocado… And a long and so on. 

What foods should you avoid if you have diabetes? 

In addition to the above list, you should keep in mind that there are certain foods that are harmful to your health , especially if you have severe diabetes. What foods should you stop consuming or, at least, avoid as much as possible? Let’s see it! 

Fats : saturated fats, trans fats, meats that are too fatty, fried, breaded or even processed meats are completely inadvisable for a person with diabetes. Avoid them!

Foods that are too salty : you can bet on adding a little salt to your dishes, as long as it is in the right measure and never exceeding the stipulated amount . 

Foods and drinks with sugar : Obviously, if you have a lot of glucose in your blood, you should avoid some foods that contain a lot of it. For example, sweets, ice cream and sugary or energy drinks. In the case of alcohol, you can drink it as long as it is very moderate and under the supervision of your doctor. 

White rice : as we told you before, it is better to bet on those products that have a high fiber content . Better than white rice, go for whole meal as it is healthier for people with diabetes . 

In any case, if you are a person with diabetes and you are looking for the best food for you, we recommend that you put yourself in the hands of a specialist. In addition, this diabetic diet should be combined with a healthy lifestyle, always combined with physical exercise and other activities that can promote your health.

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