4 gluten-free recipes for Valentine’s Day: dishes for a celiac couple

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4 gluten-free recipes for Valentine's Day: dishes for a celiac couple

Any day is a good day to show your partner that he/she is important to you, have details with him/her and give him/her an ‘I love you’ in the most original way possible. However, Valentine’s Day is usually a key date to do it, perhaps because of tradition or perhaps because everything around us invites it. 

One of the most beautiful ways to show your partner how much you love them is to surprise them that same February 14 with a romantic menu . Because, let’s face it, we are all conquered a little by the palate. But when our boyfriend / girlfriend has an allergy or intolerance it seems that everything becomes a bit uphill. If we have never cooked dishes for a celiac couple , for example, it can make us afraid or respectful to do so and, in the end, we feel self-conscious and end up not taking the step. 

If we are totally honest, this type of cuisine for celiacs usually has some restrictions and requires keeping our eyes wide open to check that all the ingredients we use are the right ones, but the reality is that it is not very difficult. And, to prove it to you, we bring you a selection of 4 gluten-free recipes for Valentine’s Day with which you will surprise that special person. To enjoy as a couple!  

Delicious and simple gluten-free recipes for February 14

First of all, we must bear in mind that we must do without foods that have wheat, flour, pasta… It may seem to us that we discard a lot from the list of foods, but the reality is that there is a lot of variety and, on the other hand, many of those prohibited foods already have their gluten-free option. Of course, you must make sure that the so-called ‘gluten-free products’ do not really contain wheat or flour that can harm our diner, because many times the labels are misleading. 

With these clear tips, what is missing? Choose the recipes that we are going to give to our partner for Valentine’s Day and get down to work. Do you know the best? Here are some easy, simple and very, very good ideas . Which of them you stay? 

1 Salmon And Avocado Tartar

1. Salmon And Avocado Tartar

If you want to dare with a trendy dish, without a doubt, this is number 1. Avocado and salmon tartar is one of the top recipes right now and it is enough to macerate it well so that it is finger-licking good. Hmm… 


200 grams of smoked salmon

45 grams of sweet chives

An avocado


One or two lemons

Extra virgin olive oil



How to prepare it step by step?

The first thing we have to do is chop the salmon and onion into very small cubes, and put it in a bowl. Squeeze a lemon and pour four tablespoons of the resulting juice into the bowl, along with a tablespoon of olive oil, salt and black pepper. Mix everything well and let marinate. 

On the other hand, we cut the avocado into cubes just as small as the salmon and put it in a different bowl. Add another tablespoon of lemon juice, coriander, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything so that the ingredients are integrated. 

Finally we must assemble our star dish. With the help of a plating mold, we put a layer of avocado very compact and on top the salmon. Decorate to taste and refrigerate until serving time. Delicious! 

2 Potato flowers and eggs

2 Potato flowers and eggs

It is a reinterpretation -very well presented- of the broken eggs with ham that never fail. If you want to go classic and not risk too much, this dish is yours! 


3 potatoes


Serrano ham in tacos

Leek threads

How to prepare it step by step?

First, peel and cut the potatoes into slices, add salt and then fry them in a pan with plenty of oil. Do not forget to support them in a kitchen paper when you take them out so that all the excess oil drains. 

With the help of a round mold we will prepare the potatoes for plating. We place the mold and around it we stack the potatoes to finish knotting them with a leek string. Keep in mind that the smaller the diameter of the mold, the better it will be for us. 

On the other hand, we beat the eggs for the scrambled eggs, season with salt and pepper and cook them in the pan, adding the ham cubes at the last moment. Pour the scrambled eggs into the mold and unmold at the last moment to present. 

3 Semi-sweet sushi rolls 

3 Semi-sweet sushi rolls

Between ordering sushi at home or making it at home for the first time, there is an intermediate step, which is to cook these semi-sweet rolls. A rich and perfect bite for a date.


One and a half cups of special sushi rice

Two carrots

2 grams of agar-agar (or thick gelatin)

Gluten free soy sauce


How to do it step by step?

First we cook the special sushi rice following the manufacturer’s instructions. Meanwhile, peel and cut the raw carrots into small sticks , about 1.5 cm wide. 

Let the rice cool a bit and stretch it on the transparent paper. In the middle, we place the cut carrots and roll up the plastic wrap to have our sushi roll. When we have it, we cut it into slices two fingers thick. 

For the sweet and sour sauce, pour a cup of water into a saucepan and boil the agar-agar . Add honey and soy sauce and stir. When it is ready, we drop the sauce around or on top of the sushi rolls and we have our dish ready. 

4 Zucchini spaghetti with Bolognese

4 Zucchini spaghetti with Bolognese

Surely you have already heard of corvette spaghetti, a healthy option if you don’t want pasta for dinner and prefer to avoid carbohydrates. In addition to this, they are very showy on the plate and are a sure hit for vegetable lovers. 


One and a half zucchini

Two garlic

250 grams of minced meat 

25 ml of red wine for cooking

100 ml of broth

Fried tomato

An onion

A carrot





Extra virgin olive oil

How to do it step by step?

To make the zucchini spaghetti we will only need a potato cutter and a knife. With the first instrument we will cut the strips of this vegetable and with the second we will give it the fineness that we want. 

For the Bolognese sauce : finely chop the onion and carrot, and put the whole garlic in a frying pan over low heat. When it is heating up, add the onion and carrot and poach it. Then, add the minced meat along with the oregano, salt and pepper, and stir it until it begins to be done. At that moment, we add the wine and raise the temperature so that it evaporates and finishes making. Finally, we pour the broth and two tablespoons of tomato and let it cook over low heat until it evaporates enough. Remember to remove the whole garlic when it’s ready. 

To prepare the spaghetti : fry the other garlic in a little bit of oil so that it takes on flavor and, when it is ready, remove the garlic and add the spaghetti. Sauté for a few minutes, turning so they don’t stick, until we see that they are ready to serve. 

At this point we can put the spaghetti together with the Bolognese, or reserve them to put the Bolognese on top when they are served, you choose! Of course, do not forget the grated Parmesan on top when you have the dish ready. Take advantage! 

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