10 superfoods for a healthy diet

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10 superfoods for a healthy diet

Food is essential when it comes to having an ideal figure and avoiding extra kilos. If you think you should lose a little weight, pay close attention to a series of foods that cannot be missing from your diet because thanks to their excellent properties they will help you eliminate those extra kilos and boast of an ideal weight.

10 superfoods to lose weight

Eggs.  Eggs , contrary to what most people believe, do not raise cholesterol levels or are bad for good heart health. Being rich in protein and healthy fats, they help to calm the appetite in addition to containing very few calories.

2  Green leafy vegetables.  Foods like lettuce , cabbage or broccoli are perfect for your daily diet . They are low in calories and very rich in fiber so you can eat them without any problem.

3 Salmon. It is one of the healthiest foods that exist. It is rich in omega-3 fats and protein Its intake helps you satisfy hunger and it hardly has calories. 

Tuna. It is a perfect fish for the diet since it is very low in calories, is high in protein and contains very little fat . Therefore, its consumption is ideal in case you want to lose a few extra kilos .

Legumes.  They are foods that are rich in protein and contain a lot of fiber so they are very filling and do not put on excess weight. That is why it is good to include chickpeas or lentils in your daily diet. 

soups.  It is a food that contains a lot of water and is very low in calories, making it perfect for your daily diet. In addition to this they are really nutritious for the body.

Avocado. It is a fruit with a high content of healthy fats that are really beneficial for your health. Having a great power to satisfy hunger is ideal for losing weight and losing weight.

Nuts. It is true that nuts have a good amount of calories, but on the contrary they contain quality proteins, fiber and healthy fats, so they are an essential product that cannot be missing from your daily diet.

Fruit . Along with vegetables, fruit is the food that cannot be missing from your daily diet. It is a product with a large amount of vitamins and minerals that will allow you to regain your ideal weight. 

10 Oatmeal.  There is nothing better than getting up in the morning and having a good handful of oatmeal along with a low- fat yogurt . Oatmeal is rich in a multitude of nutrients that will help you face the day with energy and recharged batteries. 

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